NÓS E O MAR (Ourselves and the Sea)

At the point we presented this brief, daring and eager synthesis of a year of rehearsals and presentations, we had the pleasure to, once again in the UFC theatre, which is a public university space, meaning it belongs to us all, board in a sound-poetic daydream: the musicity of the words was our goal.
We saw the words as musical action, not yet fully theatral, it was a poetic spectacle. The sea was our motto. Our sacred relationship with the dangers and deepness of these waters was represented in music, words and gestures. Singing, we sought to dive in mare nostrum: the unconscious collectiveness that brings us all together.
This binding brought us to Alfonsina Storni, who threw herself at sea to find rest. This same binding holds Caymmi, our sea troubadour, who gets together with plenty others anonymous troubadours to be part of this sea of poetry that is Brazil.
From the sea, we were given portuguese and africans. From the sea we took fish and salt. Singing sea inspired songs, we thanked it for it's generosity. On the moon's high tide we were indian, black and white offerings. We were the fish and we're the salt. It was “Nós e o Mar”.
Cais – Milton Nascimento / Fernando Brant
Arr. Erwin Schrader
Peguei um “Ita” no norte – Dorival Caymmi
Arr. Elvis Matos
Adeus da esposa (Suíte dos pescadores) – Dorival Caymmi
Arr. Erwin Schrader
Corsário – João Bosco / Aldir Blanc
Arr. André Vidal
Anabela – Mário Gil / Paulo César Pinheiro
Arr. Simone Souza
Maré do reencontro (solo) – Fernando Rosa / Francélio Figueredo
Gandaia das ondas – Lenine
Arr. Daniel Sombra
Conto de Areia – Romildo S. Bastos / Toninho
Arr. the staff
Lenda das sereias rainhas do mar – Vicente / Dionel / Veloso
Arr. the staff
Pescador – Sérgio Cassiano
Arr. the staff
Estrela do mar – Marino Pinto / Paulo Soledade
Arr. Samuel Kerr
Marcha da baleia – Péricles Cavalcanti
Arr. Samuel Kerr
A ostra e o vento (dueto) – Chico Buarque
Mulher de cada porto – Edu Lobo / Chico Buarque
Arr. Elvis Matos
Sol negro – Caetano Veloso
Arr. André Vidal
Alfonsina y el mar – Ariel Ramirez / Felix Luna
Arr. Hugo de La Vega
Beira-mar – Tema Folclórico do Vale do Jequitinhonha
Arr. Erwin Schrader
Technical Records
Soprano: Agnes Cavalcante, Alessandra Araújo, Cristina Melo, Joyce Malkomes, Joyce Moreira, Lícia Abheeka, Marisol Albano, Regilene Lima and Zenilda Costa.
Alto: Cecília Aguiar, Christiane Gomtos, Drica Montenegro, Fabiane Machado, Isabel Brito, Laisse Mariano, Lúcia Brazão, Mário Vasconcelos, Nágela Rapôso and Thatiane Paiva.
Tenor: Alexandre Santos, Daniel Sombra, Fernando Rosa, Raphael Augusto, Taceano Nunes, Vicente de Paula and Wesley Martins.
Bass: Brenner Marques, Giseldo Junior, Guilherme Gomes, João Paulo Lima, Paulo César Linhares, Wallace Santana and Washington Duarte.
Conduction: Erwin Schrader
Vocal Guidance: Luís Carlos Prata
Lightning: Álvaro Brasil Neto
Adereços: Fátima Santos
Scenery Props and Constume: the staff
Graphic Design: Alexandre Santos
Texts: Dorival Caymmi, Alfonsina Storni and Fernando Pessoa
Photos: Pedro Humberto
Assistant Direction: Elvis Matos
Direction: Erwin Schrader
Special Thanks: Bethânia Montenegro, Francisco Castro, Edílson Soares and Pedro Humberto.